Everything you need to know about male infertility and how Ayurveda helps in curing it

 A situation when a man is unable to produce fertile sperm, it can be due to low sperm count, infertile reproductive organs and Ductal blockage. This condition leads to infertility in males and the incapability of making a woman pregnant.


Male infertility is a very personal and sensitive topic that affects the couple's incapability of conceiving a baby due to infertility of sperm. This issue can be due to malfunctioning of the pituitary gland, low immunological system, Genetic disorder, inappropriate lifestyle or environment. Famous sexologist in Delhi suggested treating these conditions before facing any serious issues. Diagnosis of infertility in men is simple and detectable by doing ultrasound or other diagnostic techniques. Always explain your situation to the consultant without any hesitation or shyness. Many sex consultant in Delhi can help you throughout this process.


Ayurvedic sexologist in India stated that sterility in men can be cured by treating it surgically or medically. Some ayurvedic therapy and treatments can make a man fertile.


Reasons behind Male infertility


The unhealthy food and environment had affected man in various ways be it any disorder or infertility. This condition leads to semen infertility which makes a man sterile.


There are several reasons behind male infertility some of which are given below


  1. Low sperm counts- When the male reproductive organ does not work properly and is unable to produce the right quantity of sperm this situation leads to male infertility and reduced sperm count.
  2. Infertile Reproductive Organs- When the testes of males are unable to form sperm or male sexual hormones this condition is known as infertile reproductive organs and it leads to infertility in males.
  3. Hormonal Disbalance- Male sexual organs are incapable of producing sexual hormones like Luitinizing Hormone(LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH) and Testosterone or any kind of disbalance in hormone formation.
  4. Age- A decline in sperm production during aging is possible.
  5. Health- Some common diseases which can block the production of sperm are obesity, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.
  6. Poor Sperm Quality- Sperm shape and motility are damaged and it is unable to fertilize the egg in the female body or unable to enter inside the egg. Sexologist in Delhi stated this condition triggers infertility in men.


Factors that affect male fertility

Many factors can affect the fertility of man and lead to making a man sterile. Some of the key factors are mentioned below


  1. Depression and Anxiety- Being Physiologically depressed affects the fertility in man and makes a man sterile. A consultant in Delhi advised me to be emotionally strong and always strengthen my mind.
  2. Lifestyle issues- Excessive smoke, Alcohol, Drugs, toxins, and overconsumption of Caffeine result in sterility in men.
  3. Poor Nutrition- Several essential nutrients promote sperm production but if it is affected that condition leads to infertility in men.
  4. Ejaculation difficulties or premature ejaculation- When a man is unable to ejaculate or suffering from erectile dysfunction it promotes difficulties in collecting sperm inside the vagina.
  5. Medication and Genetic Condition-  Male sexual doctor in Delhi have mentioned some genetic conditions which cause infertility in males including Turner syndrome, androgen insensitivity syndrome, etc.
  6. Infection or traumatic accident- Accidents and infections that damage the testes of males which produce sperm and cause infertility.


Ayurvedic Solutions for Male Infertility


Ayurveda has proven that it has treated many disorders and cured almost all of the problems. It is a natural way, without any side effects. Ayurvedic treatment enhances the fertility of sperm and heals all the ejaculation issues. It is effective and gives the best results.

Let's take a look at the Ayurvedic ways of treating Male infertility


●     Herbal Treatment


Herbal medicines like Kapikachu, Ashwagandha, Goksura and Shilajit are famous for treating sperm production inside the testes. It boosts strength and stamina in men by improving the circulation of blood and sexual hormones.

Famous sexologist in Delhi stated that these herbal remedies Increase sperm count and vitality. These herbs are rich in minerals and nutrition which positively impacts male reproductive organs.


●     Panchakarma


Sexologist in India mentioned Panchakarma therapy which is a type of Ayurvedic therapy that cleanses the body and reproductive system. It  Detoxifies the internal body and improves the metabolism and immune system.

This therapy improves emotional and mental health.


●     Food and Nutrition


Eating balanced food rich in nutrition and vitamins can positively affect the body system thus improving fertility in men and women. Regular exercise and hydrating the body by drinking plenty of water maintain the health of an individual.

An Ayurvedic Sexual doctor for male in India suggested taking an adequate amount of sleep for the proper functioning of the body system.

Avoid drinking Alcohol, smoking and eating unhealthy food.


●     Ayurvedic Therapy


There are several ayurvedic oils available in the market which have a positive effect on the fertility of man. Sex specialist in Delhi recommended applying this oil regularly and doing therapy can improve the flow of blood and the production of sperm.

Daily use can strengthen muscle breathability and thus, help in the formation of motile and healthy sperm.


●     Yoga and Mindfulness


Yoga connects the body with the mind and promotes the well-being of emotional, mental and physical health. Breathing techniques improve energy flow and enhance respiration activities. The Sexual doctor for male in Delhi mentioned some Asanas like Savasana and tadasana which improve strength and flexibility.


Meditation helps in boosting focus and physiological strength. It calms the body and cultivates inner peace. A male sexual doctor in Delhi recommended mantra chanting to relieve unwanted thoughts. 




This is the concern of the body before taking any step considering a suggestion from an Ayurvedic sexconsultant in Delhi will help. Always share your problems with the consultant without any hesitation.


Keep your mind full of positive thoughts for a better-functioning body. Mind has a very huge role in fertility as all the sexual hormones are present in the brain and the brain regulates the release or secretion of required hormones. For example, the secretion of sexual hormones which is crucial for semen production is also released by the brain. If the mind is calm and relaxing the fertility of man will also be affected positively. 


Sex specialist in India stated that There are Ayurvedic power-strengthening packs which help many couples boost the reproductive system and help improve energy, power, stamina and health.


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